Photos featured by Blackwood Gallery

Pair of Arctic researchers walking

Several of my photos have been featured in the Blackwood Gallery’s newly-published broadsheet, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) Volume 4: Grafting. A PDF copy of the full publication is online here.

The vision of the SDUK project is:

“To productively collide with the present crisis, ideas cannot be constrained by disciplines. An ecology of knowledge based on the relationship and antagonism of “useful” ideas will be composed and circulated through THE SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE (SDUK). The name of this innovative platform is borrowed from a non-profit society founded in London in 1826, focused on…  spreading important world knowledge to anyone seeking to self-educate…”

(See here for full details.)

Here’s my photo essay piece:

(You’ll want to use the controls on the bottom to go full-screen and/or zoom in: it’s meant to be printed in large format)

Blackwood Gallery Broadsheet SDUK Vol04 Shoring (Dan Weaver PEARL)


There are some interesting pieces in the issue. My favourite is by Skye Moret, who presents the colour pallet of Antarctica in a visually stunning and fascinating way. A version of her piece is also on her website here.

The printed publication has been distributed at libraries, bookstores and communities centres in the GTHA and across Canada.